Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Go-Betweens

I'm not sure if i can put my finger on it exactly, nor into words exactly, to describe the kind of pop sensibility that's flowing thru the airwaves at the moment, but there seems to a particular, select group of bands getting phenomenal amounts of airplay on Seattle college radio. There is one particular thread that spins thru a number, but not all, of the bands, and I strongly hesitate to use the phrase because it seems to mean so many different things, both good and bad these days, but I think an 'alternative country' feel, or at the very least, influence, pervades in this sound, with a heavy focus on tightly written, sung and performed story-based songs with a laid-back and mellow feel. They also have some sort of emotion behind them. I know that's a very loose and rambling description, but as a KEXP DJ wrote to me when I asked her opinion for this piece, "It's like asking someone to describe sex. Sure you can try, but until you feel it or with music, hear it, it's almost impossible".

Anyway, among bands that I've recently discovered, recently re-discovered or have been a fan of for years, which fall into this particular strong song-writing pop sensibilty, and am I'm liking at the moment include The Mountain Goats, Okkervil River, The Flaming Lips, The Decemberists, The Lucksmiths, The Postal Service, Mike Doughty (formerly of Soul Coughing), Devin Davis, My Morning Jacket, The Eels, Death Cab For Cutie, Wilco, The Sleepy Jackson, The Wedding Present, The Dears, and Elliott Smith.

In any event, nearly all of these bands tend to operate on fairly independant level, either releasing work on thier own labels, or on very low-key, low budget small record labels. I don't think any of them are contracted to a major label or get much, if any airplay on yer standard generic commercial radio station. This is also another common thread - it seems that any kind of band with any level of integrity and credibility, that follows this particular path, well, that seems to flow thru to their music, they write songs that have strength, character, and a real feeling of warmth in them. They write songs that have some purpose and meaning, the plaintive singing, intelligent lyrics, and sparse instrumentation with a good narrative in an understated manner really strive to get a message of some sort across. They also most definitely have a less 'throwaway or disposable' feel about them, like these songs will stand up to the tests of time, the stories being told emoting more to the listener than any of the vacuous crap being dished out on commercial radio.

Among these is Melbourne band The Go-Betweens.

This band had a reasonable level of success in Australia in the 80's and i think early 90's before calling it a day, and have reformed in recent times, releasing a new album on which they are promoting on tour thru the States. I never really paid much attention to them way back then, but I most certainly as now. This band have a sound that's, how do I put it, more along the adult-oriented rock scope (but that makes it sound like a bad thing, whereas they're actually not). They're also getting a truckload of airplay on KEXP, which is what basically prompted this blog entry. They were always kinda sorta on my musical radar growing up as a kid, but were probably (definitely, actually) a bit mature for my teenage ears to wrap around at the time, And this time round, they've kinda come in from left field in my musical awareness, but very much in a positive way. The way the DJ's rap about them made me realise just how much respect and adoration they've gained in this part of the world that I was totally was never aware of in the past. . And, to be honest, I think it goes back to that style of song writing i ranted on about that has enabled them to come back and reform and be as successful as they have second time around. The American market is so fickle, and for them to be able to pick up where they left off is a testament to them as a band.

So, after discovering them on their second go on the musical merry-go-round myself, I highly encourage you to check 'em out for yourself. (


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